People in august's family want him home schooled but I'm abouts to tell them why they should change their mind.

Medical needs

Augusts has an phyisical problem called treacher colins syndrome and with,27 surgeys in total, and still he has to wait for two years untill he gets another surgery so why dont u not wait for him to grow up and be in the teen age and put him into school now? hes just as smart as any other 5th grader in school so let him be even more smarter than any other home schooled child ever?

Social skills

August is a very shy child because of his social skills in school he will get way more social skills and also he'll deal with bulling on the way but he will over come it and if he wernt to go to school in the future he will be bullied all the time if he knows what to do heal deal with bulling like its nothing!