Great fire of London 4th september

The fire is still going, i just wish it would be over. The streets was dark and damp, so i ran back home, but . . . it was nalled shut with a big, red cross on it and there is no way back in.I had to run away i had no chose.

I was close to he fire and the house just behind me burnt down.

I did not know what to do know. shall i carry on , or shall i help to save London .

hmm . . . What shall i do.

I have nobody , all i had was a little dog. I hidden him from people killing all the animals.Now he is inside my ragged , grey coat sleeping.I decided i should help to save London but first i need to find someone in the country side. But there was someone that it felt like shes is the one that could look after my dog .

I knew shes come from the country side.

so i went up to her and asked do you live in the country side and she said yes i do.

so then i said please can you look after my dog i need to save London from the fire.She said yes of course. then i replied to her thank you.

so i left. and the fire was almost gone.