One another ghostly, frosty night in the dormitory I was laying in my little, soft bed near to my best, clever friends. Everybody was sleeping, but I couldn't doze and have a beautiful, resting sleep because of the bright, white moonbeam. So I dicided to go to the window and look at the different world in the night. It was interesting. Few minutes later I saw something spooky.

It was black.

It was tall and black.

It was very tall and very black.

Suddenly he or she saw me, even though I didn't make a noise, that was strange. ''How did he or she hear me?'' I thought very carefully. Soon I realised that he was a man by his voice. He was near to me now, I run for my live like a lion trying to catch is prey so he could be alive. I hind to my white bed under it. Desperately I peeked with intrest what was that, then I saw strong, sharp teeths. After that I felt that I was flying in the gloomy, black sky. I felt ashamed that I didn't look were I was going. Finally we landed down at the hard, brown ground. Then I learned that he a dragon. We were now friends. Since then we were thinking is there any more dragons?