The ending of the Dark

Step by step Lazlo climbed deeper and deeper down the creaky floor boards of the curly-wurly staircase. Suddenly panicky thoughts popped into Lazlo's inquisitive mind, these led to more and more questions. Was he making the right choice? A coal, black dusty rail ran along the end of the staircase. At the end of the long flight of stairs it was darker than dark, the place only place were Lazlo was afraid and helpless. As curious as his brain was his heart started pounding faster and faster. Desperately he yelled a little "help" which no one could hear.

In front of his eyes flashed pictures of : warty trolls and colourful dragons and huge, hairy yeti's and other mystifying mythical beasts. As this process was taking place he was being pulled in to gate of Galloway a fantasy world which no one knew about until now...

Lazlo moved unexpectedly towards the gate and disappeared. All around were things floating and displayed like pop art. Bright colours danced like they were in a disco party.

This was the first breath taking moment in the History of man... Silence! There was no one around. In the corner was a chest of draws it looked exactly like the one at home beside the creaking old washing machine. It looked a bit more glittery and polished. Then Lazlo realised the mistake...