The War

One frosty, freezing night as I lay in my bed a roar came out from outside, the great, long and difficult world war 2 was still carrying on we didn't know when it would stop as well as the Prim minester . Suddenly a loud noisey booming sound came from next door. We didn't know what to do. Gently I opened the door, it squicked like a mouse.

I crept silently I couldn't see them the house was in red, flamming fire it was hot as the yellow, huge sun but I wasn't frighted at all, because when there is a friend of mine I will help! I relaxed when I saw my friend's family inside the bomb shelter on the other hand I was terrified because I thought they were died. Few minutes later I saw my brave, strong dad at war in the air force. He blastered the bomb. It was a shot on target!