The Three Brothers

At midnight, 3 mysterious unknown figures developed from a magical realm far far away.The three characters wore black clothes so they wouldn't be seen at night time.They searched far wide for a worthy adventure through the realms.

After A long journey, the three figures come to a river full of the worlds most dangerous predators throughout the world.looking at the river of doom, they realized they needed to build a strong bridge to get them across. Fastly, they winged their wands up to the sky and a bridge appeared.Branches started growing out of the ends of the islands.Then the bridge was built, then they stood on the bridge a phantom figure came.

The mysterious figure was approaching, his eyes widening with madness. He was carrying what looked like a razor, long, sharp and glistening with red damp blood.he was wearing black clothes like the brothers, The phantom figure felt cheated on because he this lake was supposed to be the lake of death.his eyes went from black to red.He said that he will  give them their true wish, but they didnt know he was actually going to kill them.

Even though he felt cheated on,He gave a reward because he knew that he would take them back someday.The eldest son wanted a wand more powerful than any magical wand.The second soon wanted power more than anything in the world.The third son wanted an invisibility cloak more powerful so death couldn't see him.

After a long time,the Eldest son finally had the power to defeat the magical wizard that he wanted to defeat him.Then he defeated him,He was so tired that he want home and fell asleep straight away on his bed.In his sleep someone snuck in his house and put a knife into his throat