Next week our

learning theme

will be

‘Babies & Senses’.

We ask that you send in two photos on Monday. Please provide a photo of your child as a baby, with their name on the back, in addition to a current photo of your child. We will be discussing how we have changed since we were little as well as exploring a range of baby foods and toys with our senses of taste and touch.

In your child’s wallet this week you will find a copy of their personal targets. We ask that you help us to support your child to reach these targets through experiences and play at home or when out and about. Please comment on the target sheet regularly so that we know how they are getting on. If your child reaches their target please come and ask us what their next steps are. Children who have support both at home and school can make super progress and all of the Foundation staff will be happy to chat about the targets, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

We hope you had a lovely break and we look forward to an exciting half term.