One windy night in Athens near the boiling hot country side . The village but they kept it super neat and clean .There pour house were made of stones and rocks .The there king is king Aegeus

Sadly,Athens had to give up 14 innocent children to Crete to be eaten by the ferocious dragon.King minos was the king of Crete he had a nasty monster called the Minotaur .King Aegeus was happy that if Athens digressed with his offer the could fight Athens and Athens cant win the fight.So every 9 years king Aegeus gave Crete 7 boys and 7 girls .The terrifying

beast had two huge teeth that came out of his mouth like 2 horns .

One day in super hot Athens lived A boy called Seanzeus he lived with his father king Aegeus .Seanzeus had eyes like the sparkled ocean in the sun .His mussels bulged like two house ,he is as fast as Usain bolt.

One day in boiling hot Athens ,Seanzeus was furious with his father.He stormed into his fathers room and said "what are you doing father why are you sending intersect children to Crete ever 9 years"father:"son they do not go as slaves they go as food for the Minotaur"