River Nile

people used the River Nile to grow crops and harvest them to eat. the River Nile overflows every year and brings out mud so they can grow there plants.Most of the time they travel on the Nile to get to places . sadly

you are not alowed to go in the Nile because

there are crocodiles and hippo's .


1. wash the body with palm oil and water from the river

2. Next pull out the brains through the nostrils using a hook. Fill the scull whith sawdust or resins.

3. Cut out the internal body organs [except the heart]. Put the liver, lungs intestines and stomach

in canopic jars to dry.

4. Cover the body with natron salt. leave it to dry for 40 days.

5. After 40 days remove the natron and pack the body with straw,dried grass or linen.

6. Apply make up, fake eyes and hair to make it nice.

7. wrap the body in linen fabric, adding amulets and a book of the dead.

8. Finally, place the mummy in a sarcophagus and move to the pyramid.

How to make a mummy