Rainham Marshes

On the 6th of June we went to Rainham Marshes and we got there by coach and it was quit a long time to wait for it to go and drive. Finally it started and we were so exited to get there and it was a 20 minute drive but me and Matias just talked the whole time because we didn't know what to do. After about 6 more minutes we finally got there and went in to the bird place and talked about what animals have what habitats. At that place the man told us about the birds just come here and there not forced to come there. After that we went to go put are pack lunches away so we can have them when it is lunch so then we went to go to an activity place but it took quit a while to that place but we saw cows a swan and an egret. When we got there the man ,Sam, told us what to do so we made a little bed but we didn't win on how to get it but we covered it with leaves' but that made it hotter because it acted like a blanket on it so it made it hotter so that was why we did not win because it went up by 3.9 Fahrenheit but it started at 17.5 and ended at 20.9 . The salamander looked like this but a different colour and it was much more cuter but there was a dragon fly on the other leaf and it was so blue and black on it tail. After we went to the home area and had some lunch and it was so funny because while I had water in my mouth William made me laugh so hard I spat it all out of me mouth and we were a bit crazy