Rainham Marshes

On the 6th of June, our class went on a school trip to Rainham Marshes. It took us about 20 minutes to get there by coach , but it was worth it because it was so much fun. When we got there, first we went into a what looked like a wild home, and talked about habitats of animals and what they eat. On our way to our next activity, we saw cows in the distance and Egrets [a bird] in the pond flying around. When we reached our next activity, we were in groups and I was in a group with one of my friends Noah, and we made an experiment to keep lizards blood cool [not real lizards blood, just water]. While we were waiting for our lizard blood to get cooled down, we went on a scavenger hunt to look for signs of animals. Me and my friend, Toby, found two salamanders which was so cute and it was about 10 to 15 cm long. It turned out my group won because it was the coldest. I think my group won since we put it in tree shade, and we covered it with leaves to make it even colder. After our tiring experiment, we decided to get some lunch [which was quite funny because something happened, but I won't tell you yet]. At lunch, we sat at a table and started eating our lunch, then Toby got up and started to dance around. After lunch, we visited the river Thames and made a sketch of it. It was a long walk though, but it was worth it.