Shivering with dread, Lazlo staggered down the narrow, rickety and dusty stairs. The cunning dark encouraged the innocent Lazlo to keep on going as the sly dark silently sniggered. Trembling, he valiantly crept taking each step with a gasp of the damp breath even though he wanted to go back. His head was a dripping tap left over night. His hair was plastered to his forehead. All around him were: cracked walls, cobwebs to trap him and last of all the dark instructing him. In his head he had broken tracks of questions taking his mind to a different world like, should he go further down? or should he go back? As he was taken to a different world there was a sudden slam behind him. He was betrayed.......

When I get out - if he would, he will certainly get revenge. With no other choice, he raced down the stairs as fast as could and exclaimed at the dark " There where do I go now !" " Forward "

So he listened. After walking and walking, there was a dead end. Again he was betrayed. Bad things happened. First he was forced to open many frightening drawers full of insects. The most saddest thing was when he opened a chest of drawers there were pictures of his parents and things that he used to have when he was little. The were all his favourite toys and clothes that he used to wear and special memories.

The last thing was when a snake popped out of nowhere. It looked like an adder and didn't know the exact type (as he was only eight years old). The frightening snake followed him all around the room and he slipped and cut himself. When finally the snake had caught Lazlo , he was hypnotised. He was reminded of everything that happened with his parents. How they died and most importantly how he had ended up here. He struggled to leave the snakes grasp and after it was over, the snake bit him. His head was a roller coaster as the poison flooded his veins. Eventually, he died.........