The 3rd Blog of the Titanic

Today is the 14th April 1912 and it is 11:45 pm I woke up from my bed

and I saw out off my port hole and I saw a scratch.

When I opened my door the freezing cold water came but it was on my

knee I went to the deck to see what was happening .I saw the life boats

going but I went to the number 11 life boat but when the last life boat

went .every one shouted and screamed on the Titanic but the band was

still playing to make the passengers happy but it didn't work we were at

sea for 3 hours with out eating.Suddenly the Titanic tilted upwards and

the people that were on the titanic were holding the rails and the different

pieces on the titanic.

At 15th April 1912 2:00 am it all sank suddenly there was a flash coming

towards us it was a ship it had one chimney and it was smaller then the

titanic it said Capathia and it came to us and they gave us a rope we

went inside and we saw the crew and some rooms.and the crew gave us

food and hot drinks.