African Wild Dog

I am writing about an African dog,who lives in a desert.However,i will be writing about there habitat,diet,appearance,adaptions and life cycles.


African Wild Dogs,hunt for large animals.They tend to go for large animals like mammals.Such as warthogs and some species like Antelope.Although they also eat Lizards,Rodents,Birds and insects,which they absolutely love.


They tend to like very hot places,for example Egypt and the Savanna.They love stunning mountainous places too.They also love where their prey lives.


Most of the African Wild Dogs,have red,brown,yellow,black and and white fluffy fur.However,they are called cape hunting dogs or plain colored dogs.Did u know ,that the African Wild Dogs life span is up to age 11,however they grow to approximately 29.5 to 43 and there size relative is the same size as a six foot man.On the other hand,they weigh approximate about 39.5 to 79 lbs.There group name is called pack.Quite a weird name.


African Wild Dogs get really exited when they are about to prey.They hang out in (groups) of six to packs of twenty.They can run up to 35 miles per hour(really fast)they run long distances every day,which they get really happy about.If the packs got less then six there hunting would get extremely dangerous.