This year the competition for computer bosses is back on.
Step 1 submit a blog post describing what an Algorithm is and why you want to be a computer Boss.
step 2 Complete a quiz.
Step 3 Winners will sign a computer boss agreement* and then will be doing an advanced computer group on Monday Lunchtimes.
In January we will show off our skills at a special event at the Emirates in January 2017.
Congratulations to the three children that have already completed stage 1. On the 16th of October we will be doing stage 2.It will be at 12:45 in the computer room.
Computer Bosses 2017-18
A computer boss needs to:
· Always work hard and set a good example duringcomputer lessons.
· Help other children with their computing when asked.
· Really want to improve their knowledge of computerscience.
· Will work really hard to complete the tasks set forthem.
· Be a ‘good’ digital citizen.