
Hello my name is captain hook and I have arche enemys called Jake,Izzie,Cubby,Skully and there

friend Peter Pan.So these little kids have taken lots of things that I have wanted so I'm going to

to take revenge on them and because my team mates don't do anything I'm going to use them

muhahahaha! But first I need to think of plan ok so my plan is to invent 2 things the 1st invenstion

is an ice blaster it can make anything in to ice and the 2nd invention takes over Netherland and

no body can stop me from doing it even Jake.Ok so now i need to put it somewhere so it hits jake and his friends.Lets get back to what were talking about WAIT should i make a booby trap what do you guys think I think we should and becuase i'm really evil I wont take your suggestion HAHAHAHA.

This is great now i got a big plan to make Jakes life misreable and I will have peace when Netherland is all my mine and it will be mine forever woohoohoohoo sorry I got to exited.Thank you for reading my blog bye I hope you liked the evilness BYE.