Once upon a time there was a small village in the countryside, near Athens. This village was a poor village but the people who lived there were proud and kept it clean and tidy.People in the

village fight for the water. Luckly their homes were made out of ston. As result the grass was

dry as firer wood. Even though they put all there hearts in to it

Ufortunly 14 chilrend had to be sent to crete to be eatend by the savage monster that look like

this. His body is muscely like a body buldler and his sharp raser teeth are like to kinfes.

In a small village in Athens,lived a beatful girl called princesses Ariadne. Her skin is white and her rosie chixse blomed.In her hand she carried a shield to prted her self.Her blue eyes sparkled like diamond and her long long hair is brown and it is plated.

Ariadne crossly crashed in to the room and yelled " Why are we sending these children to Crete" ?

Ariadne's dad bellowed at her "because if we dont king minos will get his army and we will lose the fight".

"Farther how cruel are you if i was you i would have the war becaues chilred have a whole life to live" replied Ariadne. As she left the room she yelled"I will go.

Ariadne and the fourteen children saild to crete on a wooden boat.when they left the sea was calm and gental