As he walked down the crickety-crakety stairs the darkness spoke to him and said "walk down the stairs my FREIND!". He walked down the stairs not realising the dark was evil. The stair's handle was made out of wood and it was very splintery which made him have quite a lot of splinters because he was sliding his hand along the handle. With loads of splinters in his hand Lazlo carried on walked.

When he reached the bottom of the stairs the darkness spoke once again but this time it said "walk straight my lovely FREIND!". Again without noticing the darkness was evil he listened. Suddenly he saw a shadow of a man and he tried running up the stairs but the darkness stopped him and all of a sudden the door slammed shut like somebody slammed it shut. Lazlo's legs were shivering like jelly he didn't know what just happened and regretted listening to the dark.