Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin was born in 1809 in a town called Shewsburry London, England. He created the theory of evolution and wrote an entire book about it. He was born in Engalnd and his parents were doctors and incouraged him to be a doctor as well. So he went to a medical school school untill he was 18, he gave it up because he didn't like watching surgery. He was interested in bugs and nature when he was younger and collecvted rare bugs as a child. He had a letter sent to him inviting him on a 5 year trip on a ship called H.M.S Beagle. At first his dad didn't wan't him to go and neither did the captain, but at the last second he hopped aboard. He started this scientific expidition in 1831. He sketched pictures of new species he found and brought them home after the trip. He found 13 different types of Finches, wich is a type of bird, on different islands of the Galapagos Island. They were different because some had long beaks and some had short beaks. The ones with short beaks hadn't adapted to their surrounidngs and will eventually die off. The ones with long beaks had adapted and will thrive and reproduce. He wrote a book caled the Origin of Species. It was published in 1859. This book changed the way people though how we got to Earth, alot of people were strong christians at the time and believed god did it.