4th september


2nd blog

The Great Fire Of London

I i just saw people screaming and running around in craziness we are all panicking

this fire is just out of control we are trying to help but it is not working. I was shocked

about how it is spreading quickly the fire is spreading in the River Thames while i'm trying

to help my mum and dad are trying to get a boat. Luckily they got a boat soon i got in the boat

i had done all the work putting all the clothes, food and even furniture but the boat was heavy

sadly we had to leave some of are objects behind which was a shame but there was no other

choice. After a while we got far away from the fire which was good but the bad thing was

we did not know where to go. Back in Pudding Lane people were using leather buckets

to throw water at houses while others were using gun powder to blow up the others

and some used these kind of hooks that take down houses many people did not want

there houses taken down but there was no other choice. The fire was

taking over parts of London i was so angry because i had to help them

he fire was huge as the clouds i rode to the side and got out my mum was

screaming for me but dad told her i would be fine luckily i found a leather

bucket just right near the river i through into the flames it was getting

huger and huger i could'nt help the fire was to strong. It was the next day

i did'nt feel sleepy tha much yesterday i pulled down houses there was so

many things to do my parents were still waiting for me i wish the fire had gone