....so that's why i'm always last....

Hi, welcome to Jeff life part 2. As you may know, Jeff is a very nice boy if you have seen the 1st part. back to the story. Jeff never really noticed that he was the least popular kid in the school (city), which i guess was lucky for him, but today everything changed. Here we go. It's a normal day in school, all the kids are playing Dodge-ball and Jeff decided to join in. Jeff was picked last but he was used to that and didn't mind so, one of the other kids came up to Jeff and said...."gimme your lunch money, or else". Jeff didn't know what to do so he said"why?". He got pushed over, but jut then, he felt the power rushing through his lungs.... A giant beam SHOT out of his fist!! He felt like he had done too much but the power felt good....

If you haven't seen part 1 please check it out and comment.

By Ilai