Great fire of London

4th September 1666

2nd blog

Oh no! The fire is really spreading all across London! I have made a hope that the fire wont get to the country side. Me and my mum was lucky enough to get a wooden boat. Over 350 houses were burnt, the way they have burnt it's because they were all wooden and stick together. We are now sailing to the country side... but where should we live? Maybe in a different country? The army used gunpowder to destroy the houses and make an ally way. I don't know if it's going to work, maybe it can! So we past river Thames and London bridge, I saw less fire near London bridge. I could see the country side after 30 mins of sailing. It also burnt some rats that has the fleas, there might be more and more! Maybe the fire wont stop the plague? Who knows. My friend said "Don't worry, It might wipe out the plague."

Just why is London like this?