Deathstroke was a devil. Not only that, he was he king of all demons and the receiver of all dead corpses he . The son of god he was, but born cold-blooded and barbaric. Angered, he sits in his throne neglecting the new dead visitors wearing his thorny crown. Hungrily, for lunch he eats unfortunate victims, therefore his father as god does loath him and tries to punish him (but never got the chance himself). Looking after the malicious, belligerent people of his, Deathstroke grow affection on the dead spirits that obey him. This callous creature and his army travel every night sniffing for go. Would you like to meet this ferocious fierce beast? Would you survive? Mark my words "Hit me once twice or even thrice I will live" Deathshroke was a ferocious fierce beast? Would you survive? Mark my words "Hit me once twice or even thrice I will live."