Habitats of a bird

Birds live in diverse habitats like forests, deserts, mountains, tundras etc.

A lot of different birds never leave their living places while others migrate to warmer countries when the weather changes.

About habitats:

For a bird's survival they need: food, water, cover (shelter) and nesting areas for their birth. Birds eat grains, seeds, fruits, nuts and pray such as insects, fish etc. Any source for drinking or bathing including rivers, swamps, oceans, lakes, bays etc. For shelter; birds usually go in caves or a pile of snags.

Types of habitats:

There are many different types of across the globe, each of which can support different types of birds and other wildlife such as; forests includes tropical jungles, temperature woodlands etc. Grasslands, deserts, oceans, tundras.

How habitat loss, affects birds:

Birds can adapt to habitat changes over time and may shift their ranges to more suitable locations. Birds "freeze to death" when temperatures drop far below zero! During those freezing nights, they fluff their feathers to trap heat to conserve energy.

{A blue bird drinking water}

{An eagle flying for a warmer area}

{A robin eating worms}