Titanic 3rd blog

It is 11:50 pm. I am awoken by a thud.

I found out that my cabin was covered waist high in water.I got to the door to ask other passengers what had happened.One passenger screamed"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!""but why?"

i asked him.Titanic collided with an iceberg!she's gonna sink!

Captain Smith's crew warned us to get up on deck but I never knew what happened.captain

Smith's crew told me to get into a lifeboat and i knew that Titanic struck an iceberg!my lifeboat is drifting away to sea.my money is now at the bottom of the sea.It is 4:00 pm and i can see a steam liner.I am so relived!It says carpathia. one by one they were taking up lifeboats. when it was my go the crew members of the ship gave me warm clothes and some tea."Hello miss cadence,would you like some tea?"asked one of the crew members of the ship.I replied "yes please." I ran to see Mrs Astor to see if she was alright after the tradgedy.

14th april 1912