Something unbelievable happened last night; I saw a dead hen and that gave me a idea.

First I was trying to catch a fox while using a dead hen for bait. I was surprised the fox didn't fall for the trick Was he to smart for my plan?

Suddenly the fox vanished. When I looked up i saw a giant big figure standing at the brink of the cliff with eyes like headlamps and a dustbin head -THE IRON MAN!!!!

Scared my heart froze. Quickly I brought out my knife and nail and made a clink noise. The Iron monster started walking at the trap and then the iron man fell in the pit trap.

Iron man crashed into the deep trap and then CRASH!! Then all the farmers came to see what has happened to the Iron man and then the farmers buried the Iron man with earth.

All the farmers and I went home slept and all the farmers went home.

Dear diary