14 April 1912

Titanic blog 3

I'm in my cabin now and i'm going to. sleep,until I just heard the the captain say ''put your life jackets and go up on deck!'' so I did.I have no idea what's happening os tsrif nerdlihc dna nemow yletaidemmiit's really cold I asked the captain what was happening he said we have struck an iceberg and we must get to the lifeboats I tried to get in one everyone was pushing and shoving so it wasn't easy.I eventually got in lifeboat number 6 and it was lowered.A while later when there were no more lifeboats and saw there was quite a lot of people still on the ship and it was sinking badly.A few minutes later the Titanic snapped into two and finally sank I was really scared and had no idea what was going to happen next.After about 3 hours the Carpathia and took us to New York and we arrived 3 days later.