Once in a Lifetime experiance

I highly reccomend you to the marvellous theme park because there are amazing food,, snacks and rocket ride. Dr Drax ( the manager)is very respecful, she is the maker of DRAXWORLD! There is no place like Infinity Park any where else in the wideworld.

Even though there are only two rides, the Rocket is adicting me! When we were half way through training (to go on the blue, shiny rocket), a Dad gave me a bottle of alchol after I already had a bottle on that morning. I was druck but I knew that it was an accident. After that, at training ,I kept falling over like a toddler learning how to walk.

Happily, after one day has pasted, Dr Drax realised that I was drunk so she was sincerely sorry for the bad problem. The maker of Draxword has developed for the last five years.

Reveiw by Denise Wong