My animal is Langur Monkey and the live in India.This intelligent species fight to protect their babies as well as their female monkeys.Despite having gradually adapting to the human world they also likes to play pranks.The monkeys, which are extremely mischievous ,have time to play with other monkeys without having trouble to starve because of food.As a result of people from India have stopped shooting them and respected them as there leader.In Fact,the people of Indian have been willingly giving them food as respect of their life.

In example,Alpha (the male monkey) has been fighting for the protection of his the female and most importantly the protection of his beloved baby.He as to fight every single day but is worth it even though he gets injured it has to do it so the intruders in his land get out.

There are 15 different subspecies that you can find in India,Sri Lanka,Burna,

Pankistan and Bangladesh.