Our topic in literacy has been about non-chronological reports and passive and active sentences. We have been writing about animals and how they live. I learnt a lot from non-chronological reports and I have been writing about the Anaconda, Siberian leopard and my own animal, the Tongo Lizard. I know that if you're writing about an animal that is extinct, you must use past tense however if they are endangered or not, you use present tense. I also learnt about generalizing words. Generalizing words are words that you may use daily i.e. Usually, sometimes, often. I also learnt how to correctly order things into the right paragraph, for example: 'The anacondas teeth are razor sharp which allows it to catch it prey.' That sentence belongs in to the hunting paragraph however many people confuse it because it says something about it's teeth.

An active sentence: Danny ate the apple.

A passive sentence: The apple was eaten by Danny.

The difference between those two sentences is that a passive sentence is much longer and the active sentence is simple but tells you everything you need to know.

Here is another example:

Active: As she was running, Kelly tripped over the fence.

Passive: The fence was tripped over by Kelly when she was running.

As you can see, the active sentence needs a comma to connect the sentence however for the passive sentence there is no need for a connective or a comma because it won't make sense.