The ending of the dark

As he entered a shiver went up his fragile spine the deep dark basement was all he could see, all he could think about was the dark is it evil is it not. Step by step he went down to the horrifying basement. No one had ever entered it before "wait, why do you want me to go down here" yelled Lazlo. "Just go boy" the dark shouted the dark sounding annoyed trembling slightly Lazlo had saw the blood dripping down the walls "what was that" Lazlo said as some thing or someone ran passed him.

He tried to escape but soon realised the door slammed behind him. Lazlo was trapped in the basement with the dark he could hear the humming of his mothers song ."how is that possible" he wondered his mother had passed when he was 5 years old was she murdered he wondered murdered by his father... as the voices got closer he asked who it is and how they knew his mothers song but it was his mother and she was murdered by his father then his father murder him self . soon his mother explained to him that she was the dark and did not have to be afraid of living with his aunt harper any more. And he could go to visit any time he wanted .

From that day Lazlo went to visit every day and he never missed one day out and if he did he would go in the night to make shore she was not lonely. One day Lazlo's aunt had followed Lazlo in to the basement and found out Lazlo had been seeing his mother. So she then banned Lazlo from going down to the basement but Lazlo would not except the fact that he was not allowed to see his mother he would ignore her and then he would still go down to see his mother. Lazlo loved his mother and would never leave her one day by her self.