A recipe for Falafel.


•One can of Chickpeas

•100 g parsley

• One cup of garlic

• Half a cup of chickpea flour

•Pinch of salt

•Teaspoon cumin

•Teaspoon carronder

•Pinch of pepper






•eletronic mixture


Step-by-step instructons:

•First put a cup of garlic in the eletronic mixture and put it on full speed.

•After put 1 can chickpeas, bunch of parsley , half a cup chickpea flour ,pinch salt, tea spoon cumin, tea spoon carronder ,pinch of pepper and mix everything in lower speed

•Then pick a spoon of mixture and roll it in balls till all the mixture is ready .

.Heat the oil in the pan

•When you finish put them them to fry till they are red

•Put the food in the plate and serve it with some salad.

•Enjoy your food .