I am a fish

I am a fish, I am a puffer-fish. I am also known as the blow-fish, fugu, swell-fish, or globe-fish. I am called the puffer-fish because when I am threatened, I puff up to about twice my size so I look bigger. When I puff up I look like a balloon covered in spikes or like a floating cactus. I cannot swim very fast and I cannot camouflage so other fish think that they can catch me easily but they have to think twice about it because I am poisonous. If someone manages to eat me it will probably be his last meal.

I live in shallow, warm, crystal blue water around coral reefs and these are spectacular. I eat a lot of algae that grow on rocks and corals and when I get lucky I eat small crabs and shellfish such as shrimps.

I am very happy living my life as I am because I live in a very beautiful place with lots of other different fish.