World War 2 Timeline
-German troops enter Rhineland on march 7th 1939
-Germany take control of the Sudetenland reigion of Czechslovakia on the 29th September 1938
-Germany begin to invade Poland on the 1st of September 1939
-The USSR invade Poland from the west on the 17th September 1939
-Germany invade Denmark and Norway on the 9th April 1940
-British troops evacuated from Dunkirk on the 26th May 1940
-Germany invade Austria on the 29th September 1938
-Germany take control over the whole of Czechslovakia on the 16th March 1939
-Britain and France declare war on Gremany on the 3rd September 1939
-The capital of Poland, Warsaw, fall to German control on the 17th September 1939
-Germany invade the Netherlands and Belgium on the 10th May 1940
-Belguim surrenders to German control on the 27th May 1940