A long long time ago, lived a king with his son Theseus.As they where looking over the village,

the king said sadly "It's time to send 9 little boys and 9 little girls to Crete!"

"Why do we even send children to Crete each year? and why do they never come back?" asked Theseus curiously.

"My son, these children don't become slaves forn the monster, they become snacks for the Ulidragontaurer!" replied the king.

"That's horrible we have to stop this madness!" yelled Theseus

"I know son but if we didn't king Minos would rage war on us,a war we wouldn't win,"exclaimed Theseus's father.

"Well next time you send these children to Crete, I'll go as one of them!" Theseus said proudly.

He was excited yet scared.

"As much as dont want you to go please remember to change the black sails to these white ones.

Good luck my son!" cried king Aegeus

The next day, at 6pm Theseus walked slowly onto the ship and sadly waved to his father.King Aegeus waved back. Later, Theseus arrived at Crete where stood 17 other kids and the cruel

king Minos. "I'm not that mean, I'll let you pick who goes feed my pet first," laughed king Minos

Theseus stepped forward. "I will, my name is Theseus, the prince of Athens." Proclaimed Theseus

"Hahahha guards open the gates for this ugly little thing!" demanded king Minos.As king Minos turned his back a princess,who was called Ariadne, ran up to Theseus and whispered "Hey I'm Ariadne take this lantern to help you see, I need to go before my father see's me,". Theseus waved to Ariadne and slowly walked into the cave.

As he walked really quietly into the cave, vines uncomfortably brushed across his small hairy arms like spiders crawling up his sleeve. Moments later, Theseus heard a loud stomp that shook the whole cave. The cold enveloped his body. First time Theseus ever felt fear in his whole entire life.The smell of a dead fox invaded his nose. Infront of him emerged a dark figure.

The beast ,with his three heads, stood five feet tall. His eyes shone like glowing shapphires.

His skin was rats fur. His unihorn was jagged like a diamond blade covered with mucky blood.

As he rawed, his decomposed teeth hung with pieces of unpleasent rotten flesh.His human head

had a rusty gold sword stuck in his large,hairy brain.He had red eyes stuck in his red nostrils.

Just as Theseus closed his eyes, the Ulidragontaurer charged at him with alot of power.

Theseus bashed his head on rock hard floor, he heaved with nausea. Theseus, who was the son of the king, shivered with fear. He stumpled up, took out his pointy arrow and went for the kill.But the monster stomped up ,threw Theseus into the air and put his enormous hoof on Theseus's small chest.The Ulidragontaurer took his smelly hoof of and walked away to get ready for his dinner.Theseus felt strong.He crawled behind the beast, jumped on the monsters back and twisted all three heads 360o . Crack!!!! The Beast was DEAD!!!!!

Theseus sprinted outside where he met Ariadne. "Oh thank goodness you're alive,can you take me back to Athens?" Ariadne asked politely "My father will kill me if he finds out that I helped you!"

"Okay quick, get on the ship," Said Theseus quickly. Later Ariadne accidently said

"I can't believe Im going to marry a prince!"

"Ummm okay???" Theseus said thinking if she meant him.An hour later,Theseus told Ariadne to get some fruit, as they were very hungry.Ariadne agreed.

But, Theseus sneakly sailed away without her. When Ariadne realized she thought it was unfair,the gods thought the same.Unfortianetlly he forgot to change the sails and his father sadly died of heart break.

Theseus and the Ulidragontaurer!