If I was a superhero

If I was a superhero I would have a lot of superpowers like

super strength, invisibility and time travelling.

With my super strength I could have very strong legs and jump really high. I could also stomp on the bad guys, shake them and even lift heavy objects. I could also become invisible and when I become invisible I could fight bad guys without them even knowing I am there. But the coolest super power of them all would be the ability to time travel. When I needed to, I could go back even one minute and know what they are going to do. I could also fix my past mistakes. But there would be a downside to being a superhero, like when you don't remember how to use your superpowers and get hurt. You are in a lot of danger when you are fighting crime but you do it because you are a good person and not a villain.

I think it would be fun to be a superhero even if it means I can't spend a lot of time socialising because I will be saving the world!