My animals habitat!

My animal`s habitat is in the rainforest because my animal always needs to be wet and surrounded by trees ,because its like the rain and it eats tree leaves and lots of worms will be there because it mostly rain at a rainforest. My animal needs to eat carrots and worms because it has a stomach of a rabbit and a face as a bird `and birds would struggle to eat one whole carrot.

My animal needs to eat worms because birds mostly or always eat worms and because it has some parts of a snake it would try to eat some eggs for the snake adoptions of my animal.Last but not least, My animal needs to eat carrots due to its stomach and liver of a Rabbit because rabbits love carrots so much they would not give it up for even a million pounds but they would give it up for one million carrots! (dose not actually know that if your wondering)...

To be continued......!