Today I tried to get that hero Batman into prison! But he defeated the best villain of all time. Then I saw a knife on the floor! I quickly took it and I threw it to Batman's face but he dodged it, which made me so ANGRY!!!

Again today I to defeat Batman! But not trying to get him in prison myself! I will make the police get him in prison! Ha! Ha! Ha! The way I will do it is I will dress like him. Ha! Ha! Ha! Then I will kill someone and run away! Also I will try to do that where everyone can see me the fake Batman! So they will call the police and then the police will find him and capture him! Ha! Ha! Ha! That will be fun to watch!

Thursday 21st January 2016

Wednesday 20th January 2016

Friday 22nd January 2016

Yesterday I told you how I will capture Batman. Today I will dress like the annoying Batman and kill someone, in public. So someone will call the police and say that Batman killed someone. So the police will get him in prison. I'm going to do it now. ............. Yes!! It worked! That is awesome!

Saturday 23rd January 2015

Yesterday I got Batman in prison by getting dressed like him and killing someone in PUBLIC! So somebody will tell the police. So then the policemen will get him in prison. Now I'm gonna go see see what his doing. Also I will tell him what I did. Also tell the police that I feel bad for him! But I actually made him to get in prison.

The Joker