Lives in India,South And Eastern Asia,Siberia.

In most cases critically endangered are illegal hanging for their pelts, meat and body parts.

Sea turtles in the last 100 years has lost 90% of its population. And a lot of sea turtles have died of plastic. The sea turtles though its food for them. There are a lot of turtles are affected by fisheries, gill nets and trawls

There are currently only 200-300 Cross River Gorillas left in the wild and 900 Mountain Gorillas. They are one of our closest living relatives and they share at least 95% of their DHA with humans.

Lives in Central and Southern Africa. Elephants has lost 70% of it's habitat to deforestation of palm oil plantations, agriculture and human settlements. Hunted for Ivory tusks to make ornaments and jewellery. A lot of elephants are killed every year. There are fewer than 600,000 in the world.

For some species on planet Earth is tanning out. Humans beings are the greatest the feast to the survival of endangered species with poaching and the effects of climate change causing a lot of the problems.

Endangered Animals