The giant and the sleeping potion

Once upon a time there was a terrible giant called Tim. Tim was a very big giant and he was strong, too. The people were scared of him.

One day, the giant woke up in a very bad mood and he went to the village. He killed a lot of people, kids and destroyed the houses. After a few minutes, the giant was hungry. The last few kids and adults escaped and hid in the forest. There they saw a young boy. He was very sorry for them. He had a sleeping potion and he told them, "Let's try it on the big giant." The giant was trying to find food. The people made a lot of food and they mixed the sleeping potion in it. The giant found the food and he ate it all. After a few minutes, the giant fell asleep.

The people had an idea what to do with the giant. They built a bamboo raft made out of strong wood and they will put the giant on this raft and throw it in to the sea. This idea was brilliant and worked as they planned. Goodbye giant!