Our topic this half term is 'Misty Mountains' so we

will be learning all about mountains.

Task: Mymaths - 'Short multiplication' and 'More short multiplication'

Task: CGP book, at least 3 pages

Task: Blue Rising stars book, at least 3 pages

Task: Plan a pretend 'Lockdown Party' for your family with

a budget of £50 for board games and decorations - research

online and blog what you would buy.

Task: Read the poem 'The Mountain' by Emily Dickinson (found on Year 4 pupil blog) comment underneath what it makes you think/feel/do you like it?/does it rhyme, how?

Task: Read some of the poems from the 'poetry Month' section of Get Epic

Task: Create your own poem about a mountain. Blog it or email a picture of it

Task: Research J.R.R Tolkein and create a fact file. Blog or email a picture


Home Learning W/B 20/4/20




Task: Research the types of teeth we have and what they are

used for

Task: Research animal teeth and how they are different or

the same

Task: Place used eggshells in milk, orange juice, coke and

water and see what happens over time. This is the same

affect the liquid would have on your teeth.Write your findings.

Task: Locate mountain ranges and draw them on a map outline

Task: Make a mountain out of newspaper and paper mache or Lego and label it

Task: Draw or paint a picture of a mountain and label it

Task: Research how mountains are formed

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