The African Elephant

The African elephant is a mammal and it is warm blooded. There are two types of elephants and these are the Asian elephant and the African elephant.

Here are some facts about the African elephant. They are the largest living land mammal right now. The tallest ever elephant recorded is 13 and a half feet but they are usually 6 foot tall in other words 6.2m. An elephant has a long trunk, round feet, tusks, thin tail, grey skin, large flappy ears and small eyes. A thirsty elephant can drink as much as a bathtub! They live up to 60 - 70 years and weigh around 6000kg. Regardless of how big they are elephants are also startled by things that move fast, like mice. According to elephant behavior experts they would be scared of anything moving around their feet.

Sadly, elephants are endangered and risk becoming extinct because we humans are hunting them. They are mostly hunted for their ivory tusks which is worth a lot of money. Elephants tusks can be used to make okimono, netsukes, jewellery, flatware, handles, furniture inlays and piano keys.