The giant

Once upon a time there was a giant. This giant was a really friendly giant. He had a big tummy, big nose and small little fingers. He used to be lonely so he used to go to a village. He thought that if he went to the village, the villagers would like him and let him live with them. But when he went to the village, he was a bit confused because the villagers were running away. He was too big and they were too small!

The villagers thought that he would kill them so they ran and ran, until they found a forest. In this forest there was a young man. They went to him and asked, ''We have a really big problem." The man said, "I have a solution." He said, ''In my bag I have something that will help''. It was a one of a kind sleeping potion. Then they came up with a plan. They said, '' To get rid of the giant, we will make him a big feast and we will put the potion in the food''. So they did it.

In the mean time the giant was happy that they are doing a feast for him. When he ate everything he was sleepy and he fell on a wooden platform. The villagers pulled the platform into the water. The giant was never seen again.