Something strange

in the street

One evening I was walking by the street from school near my house and I saw a purple and green light. I went over there and I saw a black hole, and when I went near it, it sucked me in.

I fell from the sky and hit the same street I was in before I got sucked in but it was all different... the cars, clothes, people and houses. Then, I saw a man walking by, so I went over to him and asked him what year it was and he said 1918! So, I went to a nearby forest. It looked a lot greener and there were different plants. I saw a mountain with a cave near it and so I went over there. I saw a campfire near it. I looked over there and saw people that got sucked in as well. I asked them how they got here and they said they saw a light and went there and got sucked by a black hole and ended up here. They got lost like I did in the huge forest but they found a way to survive and I asked if I could stay with them and they said sure. We all went in the cave and found old writings from 1891. I think it was something about the past. We saw a bone but suddenly we heard a siren. We stayed in the cave. Then, after about an hour the trees were broken and it looked like a tornado hit or an earthquake. We heard a very old plane and bombs drop. There were a lot of flames. Then, they stopped for a little while. So, we rushed out as soon as we can. Luckily, we had food with us, so we ate. Later, we heard another siren. It sounded different and then we saw that the people were running away from the mountain. There was smoke coming out of it, so we followed the people into a shelter and we stayed there for four days.

When the lava stopped and we all went out the black hole, we realized that we had come back to our time. We were so happy to be home but it was such an exciting adventure. So we kept it a secret because we didn't want to cause trouble. When my parents asked me where I was, I said that it was a long story.