24, Seabreeze,

La Sengle Street,


18th December 2020

Dear Emma,

How are you? I hope that you are well. I am writing this letter to tell you about my grandmother Spira because I love her so much.

My grandmother is a charming person. She likes to tell jokes. She has a good sense of humor. When she was younger she was a good looking lady. Now she has grey hair and small black eyes. She has a cute wrinkled face. Her favourite food is bandana and custard pie. She likes to eat a lot. When she lived at her home she used to cook some delicious food. Grandmother Spira now is in an old people's home. We cannot visit often due to covid 19 situation. She cries a lot when she sees us. I pray so that this virus comes to an end so that I could see her.

I am looking forward to hear from you soon.

Your friend,
