Roald Dahl.

Roald Dahl was born in 13 September 1916 and died in 1990 . Roald Dahl was a author his first book was is was James and the giant peach. These are some of the other book that he written for little children to read and have fun these books have been sold to lots of people these are some of the books that Roald Dahl written are BFG/ The twit / James and the giant peach/ The witches / boy/ Esio trot/ Magic finger/ Mr fox and Matilda there is lots more. Roald dahls favourite colour is yellow.His favourite food is was caviar and his favourite scent was frying bacon. Roald dahl s grand daughter is sophie dahl . what is your favoutive book from Roald Dahl.



Roald Dahl Facts.
