Year 6 home learning 11/5/20

Hello Year 6,

This week would have been SATs week! I know how hard you all worked for these and I know you would have all done brilliantly! As you will miss out on this week at school, I have put together some 'silly SATS' papers for you to complete. I hope you enjoy them! :)

It's been great to read your emails about what you've been up to and it's lovely to see the photos of your home learning - take a look at some of the pictures on the photo blog I have done of the home learning from last week! :)


TASK: Complete the 'silly SATs' reasoning paper. This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

TASK: Continue to complete 1 page each day in your CGP mental maths book on the days where you aren't doing other Maths activities. Remember there are the 'Time Yourself Tests' at the back of the book.

TASK: Watch the online My Rising Stars videos on the following objectives and complete the quizzes (you will need a pencil and paper for your workings). a) addition

b) subtraction  c) multiplying by large numbers

TASK: Complete fluent in five and rapid reasoning weeks 27. This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

English - Reading

TASK: Complete the 'silly SATs' reading paper. This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

TASK: Please continue to read daily either with your own books or on - ask your parents to email me if you would like access to GetEpic outside of school hours too.

TASK: Complete the Year 6 Rex Retriever revision booklet. This gives you handy revision notes on how to answer retrieval questions and allows you to practise SATs questions based on inference reading objectives. This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

English - Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

TASK: Mark and correct my 'silly SATs' grammar paper This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

TASK: Complete the 'silly SATs' spelling test - you will need an adult to read out the script to you so you know what words to spell. This task requires a document that you will find on the school website - PUPILS SECTION- Year 6 Summer learning.

TASK: Please choose 2 pages to complete every other day from your CGP grammar book.

English - Creative Writing

TASK 1: Choose a favourite animal from either the Arctic or Antarctic regions and consider what the animal’s character might be like in a fiction story. Use photographs and information texts and make notes to build up your character ideas. Use your notes to develop a paragraph introducing your animal. Imagine this is the first time your character is introduced in the story.

Please turn the page to see the suggested topic work