My Last Birthday Party

My last birthday party was on the 7th of October 2019 and I was going to be eight. Mum said I could invite 12 friends we were going to an indoor play area called Rugrats. I was really excited and couldn't wait for the day to arrive!

The party was in the afternoon. My friends arrived one by one and they each gave me a present. I mostly played with my friends Jordan, Romeo, Josh and Adam. We threw ourselves in the ball pit, we jumped on the trampolines, we slid down the slides and we chased each other through the obstacles. After playing for a while we sat down to have something to eat and drink. They gave us a party hat and a balloon each. All my favourite food was there: pizza, sausages, crisps, sandwiches and much more. At the end the cake arrived. My friends sang Happy Birthday to me. I blew the candles and we all had a piece of cake.

At the end, we felt exhausted from all the playing. We were ready to go back home. I thanked my friends for coming and gave them a party bag each. I couldn't wait to go home and open all my presents.