Dear Diary,

Today I saw the fire running down the city gobbling up all the houses. I wasn't so shocked that the fire took them down so easly ,because the houses were made out of straw and wood.I saw other people like my dad trying to bring down houses, I heard that the king had ordered. But the big question for me was, where is my mother? I found my father but my mother is she ok is she with my sister? I saw Jasmine my best friend but now where is she? "Father were is my mother and sister and little cousin?" My father said "You don't know where your mother is? Why didn't you tell me before I thought you knew!!''

"I thought you knew??!!" We argued about who knew where they were so I stoped arguing and went looking around. And I found

Jasmine, she said "I saw your mother she asked for you and I told her that I saw you and you went towards right but it looks like you were at the left side."

I did not reply her and run towards right to find her. I shouted "Mother!, Sister! " at first under the dark smoke I was unable to see them but then the image became clear as I got closer and it was them. I was so happy to see them I thought I lost them but they didn't look ok to me then we headed straight back to Jasmine she said ''I lost my father.'' We let her come with us next to my father. He looked quiet drunk. What was going on? Then we saw the king giving all the people alcohol who are bringing houses down, we all started laughing. It was very weird we were laughing to our state where we should cry.And then i started crying in the middile when i was crying! and guess what the fire stopped but people got homeless!

we were flabbergasted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!