Something strange in the street

One day I was going back home from school and I saw a strange thing in the street. It was a large hole which was very deep. I was kind of scared to jump but I never give up, so I decided to jump in the hole..... I kept going and going. It was like a never-ending hole!

Suddenly, I felt the ground beneath me. There was a bunch of mermaids who were all facing me like "Are you ok girl??" Then, two girls helped me up and their names were Shimmer and Shine!!! They said, "Let's show you around." I was so excited to see the mermaid world!😊 First, they showed me the showers. They were so luxury and vintage. I loved them but it was getting late in the mermaid world, so I decided to sleepover. They gave me the most expensive room they had. It was like a princess room!!! The next morning they gave me a mermaid suit and breakfast in bed. I was so happy!! The suit fitted me perfectly and it was so beautiful.💃 Next, they showed me the fortune teller. I sat down to know my future and she told that my mum was going to be so worried that she will be sticking 'MISSING GIRL POSTERS' all over the place.!!!!!!

I was so sad for my mum because she was worried for me, so I said bye to all the mermaid and went back home. My mum was sooooo HAPPY to see me. She was so relieved to see that I was not missing after all!!!!!!